I am sure all the readers will be quick enough to guess the answer – It is "Books”! Yes, it's a book. Can we even imagine our life without Books? A famous quote rightly says:
"Books give a soul to the universe,
wings to the mind,
flight to the imagination,
and life to everything"
As the world celebrates "World Book Day" in this beautiful month of April, we at Young Volunteers Organisation have taken an initiative to promote awareness about the importance of reading books. The initiative is meant to inspire the world around us to do their bit towards making reading a way of life for every child and every youngster at their homes, workplaces and communities. We also wish to encourage donating books to underprivileged children. There is proven research and evidence on how reading books leads to better brain development of children and makes them more creative. On the other hand, children with access to more screen time or digital devices tend to end up with poorer creativity, inability to use expressive language and poorer emerging literacy skills.
Our dream is to see more children, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds, with a life-long habit of reading and consequently with improved life opportunities, learnings and wellbeing that reading books can bring them.
Will you join YVO in promoting the cause of inculcating book reading as a way of life? Send us your favorite books for distribution, exchange your books with your friends, give your old books to children in your society and do such small acts to create a big impact on the world around you. With your one small initiative of promoting the cause of reading you can create more leaders for the world because readers become leaders.
(Please follow the link: https://forms.gle/wPnuTMEL7ZETFHG46)
There are many ways to enlarge a child’s world. Love of books is the best of all. Come join us in this cause! Together let’s enlarge the world around us!