Ours is a land of sages,
Known for its bravery for ages.
None can with it compete,
Its culture none can beat.
Whatever caste and religion,
All live here in unison.
With rivers, sweet fountains,
It’s a land of high mountains.
Its green forests are pretty,
And are a source of prosperity.
Let’s for it work hard,
For its safety be on guard.
Let’s make each one achieve,
So that together we can give!
This Republic Day, let us pledge to give, grow, and make a small contribution to building this nation as a token of gratitude for all this country has given us so far and continues to provide us. Winston Churchill rightly said, "We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give."
Have you ever wondered how growth and the principle of giving are connected? Every person who is growing and is successful is always a giver. Let’s understand with a simple example how a cycle of giving works. When we give the gift of effort or labour, we get compensated with money. When we use that money to consume food, the money goes to the manufacturer/packager, who in turn pays it to farmers, and this way, everyone who works is supporting another worker. The more we give, the more we get, and the cycle continues. And this applies not just to tangible material things but also intangible things. It is rightly said that if you are looking for joy, give more happiness to people around you; if you seek more love, be more loving; if you want a smile, give one to others. The more you give, the more you get – this is the simple law of giving.
If freedom fighters had not given their lives, we would not have got our independence, and we would have never celebrated a day like Republic Day. Republic Day marks the commemoration of the process of establishment of the Indian constitution. It’s a celebration of the empowerment of Indian citizens to select their government. The governing principle of the Indian Constitution is "of the people, for the people, and by the people.” And isn’t this principle aligned with the law of giving? We get everything from people in our lives to give back to people for the welfare of people. The more we give, the more we get. The more we offer, the more we grow in all aspects of life.
Young Volunteers Organisation (YVO) offers a platform to be a giver. We can either give our precious time as volunteers or become investors in the SIP of kindness by signing up as a donor member to contribute an amount as small as INR 506/- per month. 100% of donation amounts collected by YVO are deployed towards sustainable development causes without any admin cost reductions, and every rupee of donation received is accounted for, audited, and transparently reported to the donor members. This Republic day, do your bit to give to grow and to experience the joy of giving with such growth. Join YVO now #smallactbigimpact
25 Jan 2022